Building a Revival Centre
Building Fund
At Walking Like Jesus Ministries, we believe that God is calling us to establish a permanent headquarters, a place of worship, discipleship, and impact.
The last decade has been an incredible time of growth, testimonies, challenges and victories! Tens of millions of people around the world have been reached through our mission trips, media, outreaches and many other activities. The Gospel message has touched multitudes and the Lord is using our ministry to make a greater impact.
We would like to sincerely thank you for being a part of the journey. The ministry’s current successes have all been made possible due to the faithful generosity of our financial partners and friends.
And the work is not over. We are more diligent than ever to expand our global reach. God has laid an assignment on our heart to take this organisation to the next level which is why we have taken a step of faith and are believing God for our very own building!
The Vision
We have big dreams and are very enthusiastic about advancing God’s Kingdom. But the Building is a catalyst for the work of the ministry, and it’s needed now more than ever!
We have a range of creative projects in the pipeline for the building. These include regular revival services, evangelism training school courses and developing a multi-functional media studio.
Having our own premises will give us the freedom and capacity to host the relevant schools, services and activities of our organisation.
The WLJM HQ will serve as a house of prayer, revival, a place of transformation, a church equipping believers and reaching communities for Christ.
Our Goal is to acquire and develop a dedicated building that will:
Provide a central hub for ministry, outreach, and discipleship
Host powerful services, prayer meetings, and conferences
Offer training and equipping for the next generation of believers
Facilitate community support and evangelistic outreaches
Training Centre
The Lord has placed a deep longing in our hearts to equip Christians for the work of the ministry—believers who are committed to reaching a lost and dying world at any cost.
We aim to raise up future leaders, evangelists, and passionate soul-winners who will do whatever it takes to populate heaven.
Owning our own building will facilitate the space needed for Bible schools and evangelism training, enabling us to leave a lasting legacy on this earth-one that will have a profound impact on future generations.
Production & TV Studio
Media has consistently been a passion of Walking Like Jesus Ministries; from capturing testimonies of street evangelism to reaching the masses via Television. We have truly witnessed the power of media and millions have been reached through our videos alone.
Our own facility would have its very own broadcasting studio which would allow us to film, produce and release further content across the globe. The functions of the building facility would be beneficial for our generation and for the advancement of the Christian faith nationwide.
Home for Pragma Church
Pragma Church is a vibrant community living in revival, a congregation who demonstrate their love through their actions. It’s not just a church, but a family-oriented community where people from all nationalities and cultures come together from all corners of the country to exalt the name above all names.
Having our own building will remove any limitations on the home we’ve built through this community. It will be a place where we can gather not only on Sundays but throughout the week, a space that can host all-night prayer meetings and worship sessions.
Back Story
God has birthed this ministry and ultimately this is God’s ministry, we are just stewarding the task He has given us. From the very beginning, doors have opened for the exposure of the gospel and the word of God was confirmed with great signs and wonders.
We have seen cancerous tumours removed, blind eyes become clear and visible, bones healed, fertility issues healed, salvations, wheelchairs abandoned, paralysis healed, divorces dissolved, prodigal sons and daughters brought home, supernatural debt cancellation, young children filled with the Holy Ghost and the evidence of speaking in tongues, muslims healed and demonic deliverance, just to name a few.
It all started in North London, in Daniel, with a heart to see souls won for the Lord and a camera to document it and prove to those in disbelief of the signs and wonders God was doing. From there at the age of 21 and after a radical conversion, Daniel Chand was catapulted into ministry and Walking Like Jesus was birthed.
During this time a few miles away, God would appear to a young woman who too had a passion to see souls won for Christ. One night, Tanya would have a dream/vision where she would be told her husband (to-be) was already in ministry, that he was an evangelist and that it was an international ministry. She was to come alongside this man and support him as a wife, and as a help mate for the calling that was required of him. Together, they will see nations won for Christ and that they will travel across the world preaching the good news of Jesus Christ.
Fast forward to now with an international ministry that reaches up to 7 million people around the world, Daniel and Tanya Chand are venturing into the next phase of which they feel God is calling them into. Ultimately, it is to cast out a wider net but to also jump out to walk on the water at the same time! It’s a leap of faith that must be required to see a mass harvest of souls in these last days.
Given the recent world events, which has affected 7 billion people on the earth. We believe there is no time like the present. If anything, there is an urgency to win souls, reach the lost and spread the gospel like never before. There are so many ways in which we can do this. We currently have a reach of up to 7,000,000 people. However, with what we feel God is calling us to do, we can quadruple our current reach and spread the gospel to even more people, homes and countries. We need your help to do this.
People give so quickly without thinking twice into phone bills, takeaways, but when it comes to things of God, we hesitate and question what is being done with the funds? This is a soul winning initiative. Everything we do is to reach souls.
Funds giving, sowing into eternity, sowing into souls. Become a soul winner. Where your money is, there the treasure of your heart also will be. Accredited to your Heavenly account. Standing practically with us.
How You Can Be A Part Of This Vision
As many of you are aware, in the last decade, we have impacted the nation greatly through evangelism and media. However, this has always had its limitation due to our organisation hiring equipment and using buildings owned by other people. We strongly sense the leading of the Lord to believe for our own building and this will take everything to another level; leading to a greater national and global impact to the individual and to the wider body of Christ.
After a number of calculations including budgeting and planning, we will require £1.5M. As we reach this target with the phases below, all donations towards this fundraiser shall be used for the purchase, deposit costs, refurbishment fees and any other related expenses associated to the Building Fund.
PHASE 1 - £375,000
PHASE 2 - £375,000
PHASE 3 - £375,000
PHASE 4 - £375,000
We invite you to partner with us in faith and generosity as we raise funds for this Kingdom-building project.
Every gift—large or small—brings us one step closer to establishing a headquarters where revival will flourish.
Stay Connected
We will provide regular updates on the progress of the building fund, testimonies, and milestones as we move forward. Together, let’s build a place where lives are transformed, and Jesus is glorified!
Ways to give
For those that wish to give, you can do so by a number of methods.
You can securely give through our online giving form via debit/credit card payment.
More Ways to Give
Bank Transfer
Account Name: Walking Like Jesus Ministries
S/C 309089 AC/N: 68456068
You can give via telephone by calling our office on +441234 585487 and one of our team can assist you.
UK & Worldwide (except US)
Made out to ‘Walking Like Jesus Ministries’
You can post your gift to:
P.O. BOX 1669
MK40 9GA
US Cheques Including Tax Gift
'CAF America' to the below address. The check must be accompanied by a completed and signed Gift Form Attached here.
Posted to - 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 375, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA