Let us pray for you
It is our privilege to pray for you today and agree with you for your miracle answer to prayer.
No matter how great your need may be, it's not too great for God!
Please let us know how we can help by filling out the form.
Your prayer request will be picked up by our prayer team monthly, where they will share in your burden and intercede on your behalf.
You can also directly email your prayer request(s) to:
More on Prayer
One thing we know biblically concerning healing, was that Jesus never said “no” when anyone approached Him for healing. This is shown in Matthew 14:14 for example, it says that Jesus had compassion and healed their sick. Another thing we notice is that often Jesus said your faith has made you well.
Therefore, before you submit your prayer request, we would like you to choose a few scriptures from the list below if not all, read them aloud, confess them and believe it with all of your heart. Then as you submit your prayer request, let your faith and ours come into agreement and believe for your miracle!
Healing Scriptures
Proverbs 4:20-22
Jeremiah 33:6
2 Kings 20:5
Proverbs 3:7-8
Exodus 23:25
Luke 4:40
Matthew 14:14
Matthew 8:16
Matthew 4:24
James 5:15
1 Peter 2:24
Isaiah 53:5
Ezekiel 16:6
Exodus 15:26
Psalm 103:2-3
Jeremiah 30:17